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  Philosophies and Mission
Philosophies and Mission
Success Stories
“Your videos from the Shining Star Competition are simply amazing and impressive. I also wanted to tell you that the public speaking class we put Shreya in last year along with the opportunity at the Gandhi Jayanthi event in Milpitas are all helping Shreya immensely - Shreya has a speech class in Challenger since she was in Kindergarten where she did okay but we have personally observed that since she went to the public speaking classes at Genius Kids she has been scoring really high in her speech - I mean consistently she has been getting 100% - the lowest we saw was 98% - I asked her how come she is scoring so high now than before where she was in late 80s and she said - mom, I keep remembering the little pointers my teacher at Genius Kids taught me- so THANK YOU so much for offering these classes - they are definitely build to improve a kids performance - something so rarely offered by anyone else - this is definitely your competitive advantage - no one can touch your public speaking course - kudos on creating it.”
Madhuri, Union City CA
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Philosophies and Mission

Our Mission is to inspire every student to Think, Lead & Communicate, resulting in greater self-esteem, confidence & performance to learn, achieve & care.

Our Vision is Tender Loving Care to Think, Lead & Communicate, the goal is to provide high standards of education in creative, fun classrooms and dedicate our unique accelerated learning methods and curriculum to developing Leaders of Tomorrow with TLC to TLC - Tender Loving Care to Think, Lead & Communicate!

We Believe that every child has the right to a high quality education and when children are surrounded by curious and creative adults engaging in challenging, interesting activities, their own inner genius is sparked into action. .Our Classrooms are decorated and endorsed with creativity, love and high-energy instructors in a relaxed atmosphere, free from criticism, comparison and pressure to succeed. Each child is treated as a unique gift, capable of doing wonderful things in the world. We disregard the standard I.Q. meaning of genius, and using models based on the theory of multiple intelligences, we ensure that every child in our center will succeed on their own terms.

This website provides important information about our educational programs, curriculum & philosophies. We invite you to tour our campus and view our online videos to understand & appreciate our dedication to public speaking  and a lifetime of learning creating Leaders of Tomorrow.


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